Like my father...I always wanted to be a Henderson. They were like a all star cast to me with Aunt Mona leading the way. In fact, when I was little...I thought I WAS a Henderson until William broke the news to me. We were playing with a ball in Grandmas backyard. I asked William to pass it but he said "no". So I replied "You gotta be nice to me...Im your cousin!" Thats when he told me. I was shocked and saddened by the news so I went off sulking by the fence. Aunt Mona found me. She continued to hug me and made me feel better. I spent the remainder of my day cuddling up with my Aunt on the couch listening to my father playfully make fun of me. She protected me. As I got older...during Christmas we would always have our little time to sit down and have our dessert and catch up. She always seemed to be very interested even when I thought I was boring her. Going to the Henderson's for Christmas was my favorite part knowing we would have that time...she always made me feel loved and part of the family I always wanted to be apart of. I will always remember her hugs and the sound she made when she tried to squeeze you. Very few people come into our lives and light up our whole world. She was a amazing beautiful woman and I am so very thankful she was in my life.